Source code for solr_conabio.solr_api

import requests
import six

# __all__ = ['query']

[docs]def _generate_join(collection, local_id, foreign_id): """Make join string for query from parameters.""" text = '{{!join from={fid} to={lid} fromIndex={collection}}}' text = text.format( collection=collection, lid=local_id, fid=foreign_id) return text
[docs]def _generate_query(query): """Make query string from query configurations. Query syntax is as follows: 1. A simple query has the following form:: {field_1: value_1, ..., field_n: value_n} in which case the resulting query is:: q=field1:value_1 AND ... AND fieldn:value_n if the value of a field is a list or tuple of strings, the generated string ``field:value`` will be replaced with:: (field:subvalue_1 OR ... OR field:subvalue_k) 2. A list can be a query if its of the form:: [ {query_1}, ..., {query_n} ] where each object in the list is a valid query. In this case the resulting query is:: q=(query_txt_1) AND ... AND (query_txt_n) 3. A query is a dict of the type:: query = {'AND': list_of_queries, ...} or:: query = {'OR': list_of_queries, ...} where list of queries is a list as in the previous point. Both keys cannot appear at the same time and they define the CONJUNCTION operator. Hence if:: list_of_queries = [{query_1}, ..., {query_n}] the resulting query is:: q=(query_txt_1) CONJUNCTION ... CONJUNCTION (query_txt_n) 4. If the query is of the previous type, it may have additional fields modifying the query, such as: a. 'JOIN'. Which is a join configuration. See :py:func:`_generate_join` Examples -------- Say you want to generate the query:: q=( (field1:user OR field1:curator) AND ( (field2:specimen AND field3:*) OR ( field4:excretes OR field4:print OR field4:remains ) ) AND field4:id ) This is the result of:: q = _generate_query([ {field1: ['user', 'curator']}, {'OR':[ {fiedl2: 'specimen', field3: '*'}, {field4: ['excretes', 'print', 'remains']}, ]}, {field4: 'id'} ]) """ # Handle shortcurt format if isinstance(query, (list, tuple)): query = {'AND': query} if not isinstance(query, dict): raise ValueError('Query is not a dictionary or list/tuple.') # Handle empty query if len(query) == 0: return '*:*' # Handle shortcut format 2 if ('AND' not in query) and ('OR' not in query): query = {'AND': [query]} if ('AND' in query) and ('OR' in query): msg = 'Query not well formed. Cannot specify AND and OR' msg += ' values simultaneously.' raise ValueError(msg) # Extract the conjunction operator if 'AND' in query: connector = 'AND' else: connector = 'OR' queries = [] for subquery in query[connector]: if not isinstance(subquery, dict): msg = 'Query not well formed. A subquery is not a' msg += ' dictionary.' raise ValueError # Recursive parsing for complex queries if ('OR' in subquery) or ('AND' in subquery): queries.append(_generate_query(subquery)) else: subqueries = [] for key, value in six.iteritems(subquery): if isinstance(value, dict): msg = 'Query not well formed. A subquery field value ' msg += 'cannot be a dictionary.' raise ValueError(msg) # Case when subquery is list or tuple. It is assumed that the # list or tuple contains the posible values for the key field. if isinstance(value, (list, tuple)): subsubqueries = [] for subvalue in value: subsubqueries.append( '{key}:{subvalue}'.format( key=key, subvalue=subvalue)) subquery_txt = '({})'.format(' OR '.join(subsubqueries)) subqueries.append(subquery_txt) else: # Final case when a single value is specified for a key # field. subqueries.append( '{field}:{value}'.format( field=key, value=value)) # Form subquery text with parens if more than one conditions are # given if len(subquery) > 1: subquery_txt = '({})'.format(' AND '.join(subqueries)) else: subquery_txt = subqueries[0] queries.append(subquery_txt) # Connect all subformulas with the conjunction operator defined in the # query. query_join = ' {} '.format(connector).join(queries) # Form final query with parens in case more than one field is # specified. if len(queries) > 1: query_txt = '({query})'.format(query=query_join) else: query_txt = queries[0] # Add any joining datasets if 'JOIN' in query: join_data = query['JOIN'] collection = join_data['collection'] from_index = join_data['from'] to_index = join_data['to'] join_txt = _generate_join(collection, to_index, from_index) query_txt = '{join}{query}'.format(join=join_txt, query=query_txt) return query_txt
[docs]def _generate_facet(config): """Make facet string for query from facet configurations. A facet configuration is a dictionary with specific fields. Facet can be of three types: 1. field 2. count 3. pivot There are global configurations for all facet types. These are specified in the following fields: 1. limit 2. sort 3. mincount For field type facet you must specify the following fields: 1. field Field with which to bucketize documents. This field can be a list of fields. For range type facet you must specify the following fields: 1. range Field with which to bucketize documents. 2. start 3. end 4. step For pivot type facet you must specify the following fields: 1. pivot List of fields with which to bucketize documents. For more information of faceting checkout the solr documentation: """ if config is None: config = {} if len(config) == 0: return '' elements = ['facet=true'] if 'field' in config: field = config['field'] if not isinstance(field, (list, tuple)): field = [field] for field_ in field: elements.append('facet.field={}'.format(field_)) if 'mincount' in config: mincount = config['mincount'] elements.append('facet.mincount={}'.format(mincount)) elif 'range' in config: field = config['range'] elements.append('facet.range={}'.format(field)) start = config['start'] end = config['end'] gap = config['gap'] elements.extend([ 'facet.range.start={}'.format(start), 'facet.range.end={}'.format(end), '{}'.format(gap), ]) if 'mincount' in config: mincount = config['mincount'] elements.append('facet.mincount={}'.format(mincount)) elif 'pivot' in config: fields = config['pivot'] elements.append('facet.pivot={}'.format( ','.join(fields))) if 'mincount' in config: mincount = config['mincount'] elements.append('facet.pivot.mincount={}'.format(mincount)) if 'limit' in config: limit = config['limit'] elements.append('facet.limit={}'.format(limit)) if 'sort' in config: sortby = config['sort'] elements.append('facet.sort={}'.format(sortby)) # TODO check facet documentation to expand options. return '&{}'.format('&'.join(elements))
[docs]def _generate_group(group): """Make group text for query from group configurations. A group configuration is a dictionary with following fields: 1. field Field with which to make groups. 2. query, optional Addiontal query to form groups. 3. limit, optional Number of groups to show in result. """ if not isinstance(group, dict): msg = 'Group configuration must be a dictionary.' raise ValueError(group) elements = ['group=true'] if 'field' not in group: msg = 'Group field was not specified' raise ValueError(msg) field = group['field'] elements.append('group.field={}'.format(field)) if 'query' in group: query = _generate_query(group['query']) elements.append('group.query={}'.format(query)) if 'limit' in group: limit = group['limit'] elements.append('group.limit={}'.format(limit)) return '&{}'.format('&'.join(elements))
[docs]def _generate_collapse(collapse): """Make collapse string for query from collapse configurations. A collapse configuration is a dictionary with following fields: 1. field Field with which to collapse results. 2. null_policy, optional Policy with which to handle missing data 3. size, optional Number of documents per group to show in result. """ if 'field' not in collapse: msg = 'Field is not specified in collapse configuration.' raise ValueError(msg) options = ['field={}'.format(collapse['field'])] if 'null_policy' in collapse: null_policy = collapse['null_policy'] options.append('nullPolicy={}'.format(null_policy)) if 'size' in collapse: size = collapse['size'] options.append('size={}'.format(size)) base_string = '{{!collapse {options}}}' return base_string.format(options=' '.join(options))
[docs]def query( host, collection, query=None, extra='', facet=None, rows=None, start=None, group=None, additional_queries=None, collapse=None, frmt='json', fq=None, fl=None): """Make query to solar and return results. Parameters ---------- host : str Host name of solr server collection : str Collection from which to query query : dict, optional Query configuration. See :py:func:`_generate_query`. If no query is provided, all documents will be returned (limited by the rows argument). extra : str, optional A string to be appended to the query url. Defaults to empty string. facet : dict, optional Facet configuration. See :py:func:`_generate_facet`. If no facet configuration is provided no facet will be included. rows : int, optional Number of documents to return from query. Defaults to 10. start : int, optional Index of document at which to start querying. Defaults to 0. group : dict, optional Group configuration. See :py:func:`_generate_group`. If no group configurations are provided no grouping will occur. additional_queries : dict or list or tuple, optional Single or mutiple queries to add. collapse : dict, optional Collapse configuration. See :py:func:`_generate_collapse`. If no collapse configurations are provided no collapse will occur. frmt : str, optional Format of solr response. Defaults to json. fq : dict, optional Query configuration to use as filter query parameter. See :py:func:`_generate_query`. If no configuration is provided no filter query will be used. fl : list or tuple, optional Field list parameter. Only fields included in this list will be returned by solr. Returns ------- data : frmt Solar response in the desired format (frmt) """ base_url = '{host}/solr/{collection}/select?q={query}' # Handle empty query if query is None: query = {'*': '*'} # Turn query into text query = _generate_query(query) # Form basic query url base_url = base_url.format( host=host, collection=collection, query=query) # Add requested output format to query url if frmt == 'json': extra += '&wt=json' # Add facet configurations to query url extra += _generate_facet(facet) # Add any additional queries if additional_queries is not None: if not isinstance(additional_queries, (list, tuple)): additional_queries = [additional_queries] for add_query in additional_queries: add_query = _generate_query(add_query) extra += '&q={}'.format(add_query) # Add row limit to query url if rows is not None: extra += '&rows={}'.format(rows) # Add starting row to query url if start is not None: extra += '&start={}'.format(start) # Add filter query to query url if fq is not None: fq = _generate_query(fq) # Add collapse option to query url if collapse is not None: collapse = _generate_collapse(collapse) if fq is not None: fq = collapse + fq else: fq = collapse if fq is not None: extra += '&fq={}'.format(fq) # Add field list to filter response fields to query url if fl is not None: fl = ','.join(fl) extra += '&fl={}'.format(fl) # Add grouping to query url if group is not None: extra += _generate_group(group) # Add extra fields to query query_url = base_url + extra # Request data request = requests.get(query_url) # Parse data and handle errors data = request.json() return data